Thursday, June 5, 2014

3rd day

Well we went to the BVU and 2 really nice girls that guided us and showed us the buildings and our favorite part was the Science department, the animals that were there were beautiful. She explained us about the arch  means, which we thought it is interesting.The gym and the football field were grand.
And we get exciting when she talked about the ways that we can go to there 

Visitting BVU

hCrazy picture with all student try to funny and we went to BVU we see a lot of preserved animals. and beautiful place to go there.

picture of beaver student that;s where they all start their college carrie and also there;s a lot of monuments and they also have a lot of school spirit.

Walking To BVU

Yesterday we go to BVU and have a lot of fun and we have learn a lot of thing. The teacher and student have explain a lot of information about the classes and rule in BVU  to us. After listen to all those information, it make us see how much college mean to Student life and education.

The science building is very beautiful, because it  has a lot of interesting thing like animal. Also there are a lot of grand animal and a lot of grand building. We love it very much and want to visit it again.e

Day 3 of summer school

 We went to BVU college for study and see future. We talk to some of BVU students. They take us a tour and explain their classes.

  The gym was grand. They let students work and practice their sports. They doing track inside when is winter.

This was a science building. They have all kind of animals ( preserve). They study these animals.
 We talk about college in this room. They give us an important information about college.

 We start walk back from college. The teacher tell them to make selfie face. We so enjoy this field trip.

The admission counselor help us touring us around the campus. She's really informative. We love seeing the beautiful grand university.


After visit B.V.U we took a group pictures. The view was so beautiful, and the tutor's so informative.

BVU Visit

The admission counselor help us tutoring us around the campus. She's really informative. We love seeing the beautiful grand university.


After visit B.V.U we took a group pictures. The view was so beautiful, and the tutor's so informative.

Buena Vista University Visit

       Todays visit to Buena Vista University turned out to be an interesting place. We had a tour to all the places in there, the lady who took us to every place was a very informative person. She knew how to communicate with us and did a good job explaining. Most of the buildings in BVU were underground and that was one of the things I didn't know. It is huge and beautiful also counts with the classrooms and majors separated.

Day 3

The people that were informative. The athletic room was pretty big.

The gym was pretty enormous too. And also it was beautiful.

BVU was a grand place to study. It will be awesome to go there.