Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1st Day

   1. We wrote three thing . that no one knew about us then we drop the paper and we get a different paper
we tried to guess, we said our names and we interview our selfs .


2. We came back in to class and we made groups and we spare in two differents rooms, then we learned how make a call, how answer, a wrong call,  how get directions.

3.We learned about how to use the map.

4.We went outside to find different things that we learned in vocabulary.

Getting to know each other.

           Yesterday was a really exciting day, we played a game called snow ball in where we had to write down on a paper three things of ourselves which no one else knew. We went outside and formed a big circle, at the count of three we all threw our paper snowballs to the air so that we didnt stay with our own one. reading out loud the three things that were on the paper we had to find who it was and by that it's how we learned a little bit of each other. 
          After that we went inside the school and learned some important things which are very helpful for us as making calls and knowing our streets of Storm Lake and knowing how to follow and describe directions.
          Later in the day we went outside for our last activity. We had to look for some things in nature.

summer outside

Yesterday we go to BVU and have a lot of fun and we have learn a lot of thing. The teacher and student have explain a lot of information about the classes and rule in BVU  to us. After listen to all those information, it make us see how much college mean to Student life and education.

The science building is very beautiful, because it  has a lot of interesting thing like animal. Also there are a lot of grand animal and a lot of grand building. We love it very much and want to visit it again.e

Summer School Activities on Monday

 We start playing a papers throwing. Is a game that we know other people better.

  We learned how to use a map.

 She smiled!

Fun in Summer School

We made a circle but before that that we wrote three things that no one knew about us. After we got done saying everyone's name we starting throwing our papers into each other after we stopped throwing the paper as a snowball fight we started reading them and guess who was the person who wrote it.

We also did a scavenger hunt we were looking fr like things that were kind of easy but when we had to find an acorn and that was actually hard because and some people well most of people gave up because there no trees that give that kind of seed.
The first day of summer school we were getting to know each other more by playing snow ball fight and learn each other names.

We were doing scavenger hunt in small groups. We excited to work together.

First Day

First Day

Snowball Street-fighter: That we did to know each other. 

Scavenger Hunt: We we're looking for specific things, like a acorn, pinecone, etc. Stuff that we could find that develops as pure nature. Fun stuff.